A Founding Story: How Joy & Community Shaped My Life: Part 3
See the full series here
So if you are still with me we will jump forward a few years. I’m at a new job. (My current one.) I am happy as a clam and loving life being a graphic designer in disguise as an admin assistant. I currently call it THE BEST JOB EVER! And it really is. I get to be creative, but not with the pressure of a design firm. I’m working for God in his place of worship, so I’m serving and using my gifts. And because I have been given full control of the admin and marketing side of things, I can streamline so many things. This means very little stress in the day to day (which is everything) and more time to focus on new projects and fun photography ideas. So why even bother with a business if I have the best job ever? Well between you and me the best job ever is so low in stress, that I have this amazing opportunity to run both the church and the business. How amazing is that?

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Remember what I said about the business being on pause while I tried to find a full time job? Well it was on pause for a while, but I had a wedding coming up and I wanted to make sure I was ready. I wasn’t particularly excited for it and figured that would be my last one. But I really did like the couple and wanted to serve them regardless, so I joined a few Facebook photographer groups hoping to get some fun ideas to use for shots. Let me digress here for a minute and say that I was ready to give up right then and there. Simple questions were answered with hurtful comments that had nothing to do with my question. Consider this my PSA: Be kind. Even if it sounds like a dumb question. Or you feel threatened by all the new people entering your industry. Really there is no reason to be unkind and unwelcoming. Please try to remember when you were starting out. You wouldn’t be where you are now if someone more experienced hadn’t answered your questions and showed you that you were welcome.
Facebook Ads work! It wasn’t until KJ Education found me that this whole industry opened itself up and I saw everything that this business could be. I didn’t have to be impersonal and only do what I saw on the internet. I could break through all those barriers I thought were the rules of wedding photography! I was introduced to a wonderful community of photographers just like me. All learning how to better our craft. We were nurtured and cared for greatly and my confidence in myself swelled. My work was getting better and I was excited to learn more and more and more. So a little side note about me and education: anyone who knows me, knows I’m a bit of an education junkie when it comes to photography and business, so my excitement to learn is kinda never ending. I’ve learned from all of the greats by now: KJ was the first, J&M were next, AJ quickly followed and now I’m a solid K&F follower too. I even went on a AKP Retreat and that changed everything with how I ran my business (and gave me an incredible leg-up on those Night images you guys love so much). They all just made me feel welcome and confident. They were all so open with their knowledge and honestly taught me so well, that I know they had a huge hand in changing my business and making my dreams a reality.
So now. Now I have a thriving wedding photography business. A budding personal branding venture and a wonderful community of photographer and wedding vendors alike, sharing this journey together in community and love. I’m very lucky indeed.
There is so much more to come on this journey. Follow along on Instagram while I update you on my wins (and losses) Show you the best days of my life, and quietly reach out for help on those more difficult days. Build community with me. Follow here!
Can’t get enough of the throwbacks? Check out my very first styled shoot here!
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