Sasha & Matt’s DC Engagement Session

Silent adoration
Throughout the entire session, Sasha was all smiles, giggling and twirling in this absolutely adorable fashion and Matt just stop and watched her in silent adoration. They are perfectly suited for each other and you can totally tell in these images. If you can tear your eyes away from the joyful girl abounding with love and light, take a look at the guy watching her. You can see it all right there

Enter the tulle skirt!
So we get to outfit two of the session and Sasha comes out in this perfect little pink tulle skirt! I tell you I was so excited to get going when I saw that skirt. I love when my brides pick out pieces that are a little more…daring, but that perfectly sum up who they are as a person and Sasha did just that. It just makes my job 10x easier.

Light rain
As we pulled to a close, because, like it or not, we were losing light, it started to lightly rain and Sasha and Matt being the Awesome Couple they are, stuck around for some more portraits in the park and then we ended in the street for a really romantic night shot! These two were such naturals at everything, I hardly had to do anything.

They are getting married at what only can be described as a location you would find in a storybook. Large Canyons, Deep Vineyards, Starry skies….You try not to swoon when thinking about it.