From Amanda: Ellicott City has so much to offer, but we just happened to pick the one day they were holding a festival for Erin and Andrew’s Engagement session. Since big crowds didn’t appeal to any of us, we made do with the parking lot! Yes you heard right. The parking lot. These two are so laid back, yet beautifully in love and it really showed in their session!
Swipe Right on Adventure
Both Erin and Andrew were on the hunt for adventure, they just didn’t know it. Andrew was new to Baltimore and looking to meet new people. Erin grew up in the Baltimore area and had a tight knit group of friends so she wasn’t meeting anyone new.” But even through all of this, the two still decided to give online dating a try. This led Erin to Andrew’s Bumble profile. “I initiated the conversation because I was intrigued by his photos of what appeared to be him traveling. After a few text messages about our bucket list travel plans we decided to meet each other in Old Ellicott City.” The first date went as most first dates go, but there was a little something more going on and both Erin and Andrew were curious to find out what it was…a few months later Andrew had to go on a business trip to California. Erin, being the adventure seeker she was, had to invite herself along and what a trip it was. Even though it was their first trip together, it was anything but ordinary. It was really something quite special, actually! They spent the whole weekend checking out Andrew’s favorite California sights, jumping on a bike tour, and trying all sorts of new foods. “I came home and told my family that I would one day marry Andrew.”

A Different Kind of Proposal
Since Erin had already made it abundantly clear that she did NOT like surprises to Andrew on multiple occasions, the decision to start planning their life together happened in a more symbiotic way. “We had been talking about getting engaged for a few years but just weren’t ready to plan a giant wedding with both of our giant families. We decided together to get engaged [later on though].” But that didn’t mean they couldn’t do the surprising themselves! That was when Erin and Andrew hatched the plan to do a surprise proposal for their families. On a trip to visit her sister in Utah, they decided to do the proposal at the top of Angels Landing. “On the hike up to the top of the landing my sister kept dropping comments about how we should get married and how she thinks of Andrew as her brother-in-law. So when he actually did propose at the top she thought we were joking.”

Those Favorite Days
As we all know, these two are all about adventure and discovery. It was the reason they found each other to begin with! So it is no surprise that their time spent together is spent traveling around, hiking new terrains and camping around the world. “We both adore these days together. Waking up in a new city, finding the best coffee shop, packing up a backpack and exploring a new city, a national park, or just wondering around.” That doesn’t mean that every day is a grand adventure. But it does mean that every day is a beautiful adventure. Late night grocery trips in their pajamas for that much desired pint of ice cream is just as special as day as hiking to the top of a mountain for that glorious view!

The One
Sometimes there is a defining moment, other times its a slow build, but eventually every couple can say how they knew the other was “the one.” That one person they can envision a forever future with.
From Andrew – “Doing normal things with your favorite person makes for favorite days as well.”
From Erin – “Andrew never wants to have an ordinary day. He wants to try everything, go everywhere, and never says no to a new experience.”

A September Wedding at Turn House!
We are going to have such fun at Turn House for their wedding! I am so excited to meet their families and watch Erin and Andrew pledge forever to each other!
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