Over the course of my life, I have been given the opportunity to visit a multitude of amazing places (and yet it still feels like there is so much more to see) and every time I find a place that I LOVE, I always have to leave after a couple of days. One day I hope to get back to these 3 Gorgeous places and really explore what they have to offer.

Island Lake and wildflower in San Juan Mountains near Silverton, Colorado
1. Colorado
This was a short trip, as me and my mom were just going to pick up my sister and bring her back to MD for the summer. But what I did see was this: Gorgeous mountainscapes, a lively downtown scene, and the cleanest air I ever did breathe WITH NO HUMIDITY!
2. Austria
I was on a European Highlights trip the summer after I graduated college and this was the one locale I wanted to stay and explore around some more. I would’ve let the bus leave me there, if I wasn’t such a scaredy-cat. We stopped in the town of Innsbruck and I was immediately captivated: The whole town is surrounded by a flowing blue river of clear water. Mountains rise up behind it and an array of colorful buildings are resting in those mountains. It was STUNNING! And it was only one town. If ever I get to go back to Europe, Austria is #1 on my list!
3. Germany
Second on my list is Germany. Another place that I didn’t get to fully immerse myself in. There are so many castles and woodlands. It’s a Disney lovers dream. I would love to explore that more in depth.
Want to see a blog post on my European highlight trip? Leave me a comment below on which country to start with 🙂