A small note from Amanda: I don’t know if you have noticed or not, but I LOVE a good story. Disney stories have my heart and fairy tales are the essence of my being. So every now and then I feel the urge to start writing again; to cultivate a beautiful world with engaging characters and a lively scenery. And it works out so beautifully when I have a styled shoot, because how many times can you say “The florals were out of this world, and the couple was the sweetest” before it starts to feel inauthentic and tired? Inspiration shoots really are the perfect opportunity for me to spin a tale of romance and intrigue, while also showcasing some of my best work. So please enjoy “A Winter Elopement.”

A Winter Elopement

“The door slid closed with a quiet click”

The door slid closed with a quiet click. Across the hall Annabelle could hear her father’s booming voice talking about the details of his next exchange. Her exchange. In less than 24 hours he would have her betrothed to some old droning fool of a duke or such who would lock her away in his pretty house with all his other treasures and never let her outside again. The thought made her want to scream. Having her freedom ripped away in a matter of minutes and nothing she could do would stop it. A smile played on her lips as she fastened the strings of her cape tighter. Until now.


“They were planning to elope.”

They were planning to elope on the grounds of the estate. Right under her fathers nose. The prospect that He would be the one lacking control gave her a quiet thrill. She would find Finn on their bridge as the sun was setting. That was where they first met. Quite by accident actually. She had been riding the grounds with her head in the clouds when something had spooked her horse, forcing him to take off at a run farther away from the house than she had ever gone. She was hopelessly lost and all she could see through the fog was that old altar from another property. Heading towards that she practically runs over this guy sitting on the bridge. Turns out he works for the Gambrills Estate across the way and liked to come to this bridge to be alone…that is, until she almost ran him over into the water below. The rest is history. They met for secret rendezvous every time she could get away. Which was quite often now that Father was trying to sell her off to the highest bidder. They would sit on the bench and talk, he would bring his horse and they would go riding. Last night, she had snuck into the kitchens and swiped the best wine, some cheese and bread and a cake. Under the twinkling lights they shared a picnic and decided that if they were to be together, Now was the time to do it. They agreed to meet just as the sun was setting, make their vows and run away. He would follow his dream of being a carpenter and she would be his loving wife. The plan was perfect.

“With the help of her maid and best friend.”

With the help of her maid and best friend, Annabelle was able to turn a simple tea dress into an exquisite wedding dress, she grabbed an old bouquet from one of the parlors, and wore her mothers jewelry. Her mother had passed 10 years ago and had left Annabelle almost all of her things, including her wedding ring. As she primped and prepared herself, Annabelle couldn’t help but feel a little sad at the absence of her mother. She knew she would have never allowed Father to just marry her off so brashly. But Mother was gone, and times were different now. Straightening she stands from her table and spins for Penny. Clapping her hands gleefully, Penny grabs your cloak and wraps it around her. “Best be off Miss. The sun is just starting to set.”

“He had decided that This was the place to get married.”

He had decided that This was the place to get married. They had stumbled across it on one of their rides and he knew how much his dear Annabelle loved the color red, so he knicked some of the Gambills household decorations, draped an old curtain from the downstairs hall over the altar and voila! He had created something beautiful to share with his love and he could hardly wait for her to see. His brother had lent him his best suit and it finally felt Official! He was going to marry the love of his life and run away into a new life. A better life. He had saved every penny he had earned at the estate and it was just enough to buy a small house, and a cow. Maybe even a cart for his carpentry.



“She arrived and his breath caught at the sight of her.”

She arrived and his breath caught at the sight of her, she was purely angelic. Reaching out his hand he led her across the bridge. Leaning into him, she couldn’t help but let out a giggle. They had done it. She’d gotten away and their life could begin. Taken by impulse she began to twirl in glee, and before she knew it, they were dancing down the expanse of the bridge. His eyes twinkled in the golden light of the setting sun and she pulled him close for a kiss.



“When they arrived at the altar, Annabelle gasped, speechless.”

When they arrived at the altar, Annabelle gasped, speechless. Of course he would pick this place. She certainly would’ve. She couldn’t believe that she had forgotten about it. This was where he had first kissed her. They had pulled off after a long ride and she had been complaining about her Father’s controlling ways, and he had just kissed her. Right there under the altar. She had been so taken aback by his forwardness that she just laughed. Poor Finn probably had so many thoughts rushing through his head, but she couldn’t stop laughing. Eventually he just started laughing with her. And then she turned and kissed him. Silence fell and the two just smiled at each other, knowing they had each met their match…The trees whistled a gentle song causing the curtains to brush Annabelle’s face. It was time. They drew close and made their vows. Sealing the moment with a kiss, Finn took Annabelle in his arms and she wished he would never let go. The stars twinkled above them and almost as if the universe couldn’t help but agree with their love, a shooting star flew across the sky. “To Forever.” Finn said softly, handing her a glass of wine. Taking it, they clinked glasses. “To Our Forever.” She said.

Vendors Involved:

Kirsten Blickenstaff & Matt Paul- Models

Want more inspiration? See my first shoot here


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