Style Story on Fast Forward>>>

Finding your style is no easy task and I have been trying for years to find it. Slowly I’m figuring important things out (as you are probably already figuring out), but slow has never been my strong point. Ask anyone who knows me and they will agree that when it comes to this sort of stuff, I can be incredibly impatient. Not in a bad way but in the
“I’m so excited to do this I don’t want to wait!” kind of way.
That is where The Shoot and Share contest came in. This contest has been going on for a few weeks now and while, yes of course I submitted my images and that was exciting, I have found it more exciting to be voting! Seeing images from all over the world with various styles, stories, and people has really put my style story on fast forward. I am learning through every click, what I appreciate and want to excel in.
Images that include landscape/location really resonate/ inspire me.
Shots of bridal parties doing crazy, unexpected things make me excited for bridal party portraits
I want to be authentic. I want my brides to remember the day as it was.
I love pink! I thought teal was my color (thank you princess Jasmine) but I find myself really loving softer pinks and darker greens.
Obviously, if you aren’t already, get on over to Shoot and Share and start voting! There is so much talent and inspiration there