The Best Day in February
This weekend I was surprised with a trip to DC for my birthday! It was probably one of the most gorgeous days I’ve gotten for my birthday, and let me just say, I usually get snowstorms for my birthday, so this was a nice change! Walking around, of course I noticed some super awesome spots for photo sessions, which I got a little too excited about (scared some tourists with my high pitched squeal) but I also noticed the huge amount of diversity! Ever since I graduated, I’ve found myself in this tiny bubble of maybe 3-5 people and it was a really nice change of pace to realize that there’s more beyond my bubble…I digress.
We decided that it would be nice to go see the Tidal Basin when it’s not over run with tourists and even found some cherry blossoms blooming along the way! In the evening, I got my birthday present…tickets to Disney on Ice! Yes, we were surrounded by toddlers and their parents (some fancied themselves budding “videographers”) but I didn’t care. We had great seats and I got to watch all the princesses skate with their princes to my favorite Disney songs. It was incredibly beautiful! This was probably one of my best birthdays ever.
(13 will always be the best, mom)
Please excuse my iPhone photos, but this day was too good to not share!
First off this is my wonderful guy that made it all happen…How great is he? He even dealt with me as I attempted “timed photos” at every tree we passed! This is the one tree in the whole Tidal Basin that cooperated!

Locals everywhere
DC really is an entirely different experience when it’s not overcrowded with tourists, but with locals! You can actually see the monuments and the overall environment is just so much more friendly and relaxing…

Cherry Blossoms already!
Yes you are seeing correctly…those are cherry blossoms making their debut in February! What a pleasant surprise!
Imagine it
Can you imagine the session I could have here? I was already seeing a stylish couple in a romantic dip with her red dress blowing in the breeze and his classy hat tipped just off the brow…I may have squealed due to the excitement…
Color me impressed
Cinderella was the prettiest show by far! But Sleeping Beauty’s was the coolest! They brought out a dragon and it spit fire onto the ice! There were legit burn marks on the ice. Color me impressed…

Is it so wrong?
Is it so wrong to absolutely LOVE “Love is an Open Door” So much???

Can we just take a minute to appreciate how in character this guy is even between scenes?

Let it go!
Elsa did not disappoint. Let it go was perfect as always! And you can bet I was singing along with all the 5 year olds! “Let it gooo!”

The Finale!
And the finale! I was so sad to see it end. But how elegant does Rapunzel look? I’m pretty sure she’s my favorite princess…